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Pure Provides a Platform for UBRD's Digital IT Infrastructure

Pure’s technology improved the bank’s business productivity and optimized hardware costs realizing its digital strategy.


Pure Storage technology improved the bank’s business productivity and optimized hardware costs. Moreover, Pure’s leading-edge infrastructure and the All-Flash Array solution itself helped UBRD save three times more on the amount of data, which had a significant economic effect. Pure also allowed to strengthen the reliability of UBRD bank services.


  • Banks


  • Russia

Use Cases

  • IT infrastructure modernization



The largest bank in Ural Region of Russia, The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD), takes the client focus as the primary competitive advantage, and its extensively growing network in 2019 covers 57 Russian regions serving more than 44,000 corporate and 960,000 retail clients. This requires a comprehensive high quality client data handling and management together with a more rational approach to investing in IT.


Business Transformation

The array reached data reduction ratio up to 12:1 (3.4x above the guaranteed by Pure 3.5:1) resulting in a significant economic effect from Pure Storage Solution. In fact, UBRD managed to save three times more on the amount of data. And there were other benefits gained by the bank from Pure innovative storage platform.

IT Transformation

Pure Storage FlashArray provided required several thousand IOPS under heavy workload profile of the bank at ultra-low latency below 0,5 millisecond. In addition, Pure ActiveCluster enabled zero RTO / RPO making live Disaster Recovery solution in active-active mode. Beauty of Pure is that ActiveCluster works out-of-the box and does not require any Software or Hardware purchase.

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Pure Storage, Inc.

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Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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