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30:26 Seminarios web

Modern Data Pipelines for Faster Time to Insights

Data-driven decisions are at the heart of Industry 4.0 – revolutionizing the way companies improve, manufacture, and distribute their products. Analytic systems help organizations implement modern business intelligence and process data in real-time.
This webinar first aired on 18 de mayo de 2023
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  • Seguridad y cumplimiento
  • Análisis moderno
  • AIRI
  • Portworx
  • FlashBlade
  • Inteligencia artificial
  • Backup y recuperación
  • FlashArray//C

Miroslav Klivansky

Arquitecto de datos principal - AI y análisis, Pure Storage

Data-driven decisions are at the heart of Industry 4.0 – revolutionizing the way companies improve, manufacture, and distribute their products. Analytic systems help organizations implement modern business intelligence and process data in real-time. But where you house your data is key to how quickly and widely it benefits your organization. Operational complexity and data silos start to pop up as your data grows in volume and variety. Your storage platform can have an outsized impact on analytics workflows. It determines how quickly you can analyze data and how easily you can scale and integrate more applications.

In this segment, learn how data-centric applications use storage, how pipeline stages have varied demands, and ways to use storage to your advantage in analytics workloads. IT will learn to map infrastructure capabilities to customer needs and data engineers will better understand how their choices are impacted by the infrastructure they depend on.

Pruebe FlashBlade

Sin hardware, sin configuración, sin costos: sin problemas. Experimente una instancia de autoservicio de Pure1® para administrar Pure FlashBlade™, la solución más avanzada de la industria que ofrece almacenamiento de archivos y objetos de escalabilidad horizontal nativa.

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