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Pure Storage and Ingosstrakh

Ingosstrakh Uses Pure Storage to Embrace Digital Transformation

Ability to quickly respond to customer needs and market changes.


Ingosstrakh is a leading Russian insurance company and one Pure’s first Russian customers. Today’s insurance companies are catching up with banks and diving deeper into digital transformation. Ingosstrakh’s challenge was to quickly respond to market changes and embrace all its customer needs with wide range of opportunities. Ingosstrakh installed Pure Storage FlashArray™ arrays to gain a competitive edge and facilitate growth.


  • Insurance


  • Russia

Use Cases

  • Database – Oracle



The company needed a solution for storage availability, lifecycle extension, and maximum productivity. The solution needed to be cost effective to grow profitability. Services always needed to be high-quality to meet ever-growing client needs.


Business Transformation

Pure Storage ensured transparent migration of Ingosstrakh’s main storage infrastructure, which was performed almost on-the-fly. The highly-balanced solution provides all of the capacity, performance, and required functionality to improve the business.

IT Transformation

  • The company developed twice the amount of software with no deterioration in quality.
  • The storage solution compressed Oracle data by 3.5x, and offers 99.9999% availability.
  • Data was successfully transferred to the new system, which provided new opportunities for reliable data storage and high availability at no extra cost.

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