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Pure & Netgain

Netgain Protects Client
Data in the Cloud

As part of a data center consolidation effort, Netgain needed a simple, cost-effective solution for client disaster recovery and cybersecurity and found it with Pure Storage®.


Netgain provides IT services to mid-market firms in the accounting, healthcare, and legal industries, managing thousands of virtual machines serving tens of thousands of end users. In this highly competitive space, Netgain uses innovative solutions from Pure Storage to keep client costs low, meet data recovery SLAs, and attest to cybersecurity protection required by insurers. Pure Storage simplifies storage management and makes disaster recovery easy with Purity CloudSnap™.


  • Technology


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Modernize Data Protection
  • Enable Multi-cloud


Netgain: CloudSnap for data protection
Netgain uses FlashArray CloudSnap to meet off-site disaster recovery requirements without spending a fortune.


Netgain needed to consolidate data centers to reduce client costs and address sprawl resulting from growth through acquisition. As part of the effort, Netgain needed a simpler and more cost-effective solution for disaster recovery and cybersecurity for its clients.


Business Transformation

  • Meets 100% of SLAs and cybersecurity requirements
  • Restores within an hour in almost all scenarios; 900+ restores to date
  • Keeps costs lower for clients by avoiding high price of alternative solutions

IT Transformation

  • Reduces data center rack space by roughly 90%
  • Zero performance impact from routine CloudSnap protection
  • Enables two people to manage technology needs for hundreds of clients

Meer informatie


Neh Ontzorgt Met Pure Storage


NavInfo drijft real-time analytics aan


DSW Schakelt Over Op Pure Storage


Pure Storage Borgt Kwaliteit SAAS Platform Zwijsen

Netgain can meet the most demanding client recovery objectives quickly and cost effectively.
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Bel ons: 31 (0) 20-201-49-65



Pure Storage

Herikerbergweg 292

1101 CT . Amsterdam Zuidoost

The Netherlands

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