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Sirius and Pure Storage

Sirius Computer Solutions and Pure Storage have partnered to provide data protection solutions which prepares organizations for catastrophic events and unplanned downtime. A solid business continuity plan is a strategy for business resilience that accounts not only for IT, but also the people and the full range of resources they require to accomplish their missions. Sirius Computer Solutions can help you develop effective business continuity plans, procedures, documentation, and training to maintain critical business operations, reduce recovery time, and meet regulatory and compliance requirements.

Managed Service Provider [Elite]
Areas of Focus
Backup as a Service
Hybrid Cloud Solutions
Infrastructure as a Service
Private Cloud Solutions
Ransomware Solutions
Rapid Restore Solutions
Storage as a Service
  • Managed Service Provider
  • Certified Implementation Partner
  • Cloud
  • Data Protection
  • Healthcare
  • IT Infrastructure
  • Security, Compliance, & Governance


Data Protection
Backup as a Service

Sirius with Pure Storage provides backup, recovery, and archiving options, so business continuity can be preserved, and major data losses can be mitigated.

Vragen, opmerkingen?

Hebt u een vraag of opmerking over Pure-producten of certificeringen?  Wij zijn er om te helpen.

Een demo inplannen

Plan een livedemo in en zie zelf hoe Pure kan helpen om jouw data in krachtige resultaten om te zetten. 

Bel ons: 31 (0) 20-201-49-65



Pure Storage

Herikerbergweg 292

1101 CT . Amsterdam Zuidoost

The Netherlands

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