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40:44 Video

Oracle Database Cloning and Refresh: From Theory to Practice

Without the use of data reduction technologies, like those provided by Purity Snapshots, and automation of the workflow, the storage as well as human cost of creating and maintaining the non-production databases can quickly get out of control.
  • Video
  • Oracle
  • Pure//Accelerate

The number of organizations embracing Agile development methodologies is increasing by the day. For that to be successful, it’s imperative that development, test, and support teams are provided with recent copies of their production Oracle databases. This increases the number of requests to the DBA team to spin up new database copies or refresh existing ones. It is estimated that for each production database, there exist at least six non-production environments. Oracle database environments can be set up in so many different ways. For example, they can be hosted on physical machines, or what has become more common now, on virtual machines. In terms of the type of storage, one can choose to install the database on OS file systems like ext4, xfs.

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