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Pure Storage FlashBlade™ Architect Associate Certification


Pure Storage FlashBlade Architect Associate

Exam ID: FBAA_001
Certification Offered: Pure Storage Certified FlashBlade Architect Associate

​​The Pure Storage FlashArray Architect Associate exam establishes all candidates with a foundation in Pure Storage FlashBlade Product Architecture. This exam helps to validate the knowledge, skills, and abilities required of successful Pure Storage FlashBlade Architects at the Associate level. The Pure Storage FlashBlade Architect Associate exam seeks to establish that all successful candidates are able to identify, qualify, and architect FlashBlade solutions.

Successful candidates are System Engineers who have 1-3 years of storage experience and 3-12 months of Pure Storage experience. They have a general knowledge of the Pure Storage product portfolio and associated market differentiation, with an emphasis on product positioning and qualifying solutions. Successful candidates understand the design principles necessary to architect storage solutions including Pure Storage FlashBlade, Evergreen™, and Pure1®.

Exam topics:

  • Array Monitoring
  • Qualify, Sell, and Architect
  • Customer Experience
  • Array Operations

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