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26:01 Webinare

Battling the Ransomware Scourge: Prevention and Recovery

It's no surprise - ransomware attacks continue to plague companies of all sizes. If you haven't been hit, the only question is when will it happen? But you don't have to sit back with a target on your back. It's time to ride into the battle! You CAN prevent ransomware before it happens with the right strategies, tools, and security awareness. And, should you get hit, you CAN rapidly recover such that ransomware was a non-issue for you and the company.
This webinar first aired on 25. Oktober 2022
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  • Backup und Wiederherstellung
  • Webinare
  • FlashBlade

Andrew Miller

Senior Principal Technologist, Americas

Watch this MegaCast to learn the most effective techniques – both pro-active and reactive – for dealing with the scourge of ransomware. You’ll hear about solutions from training to anti-malware to backup and recovery, informing you about the tools you could be using to bolster your defenses.

Keep your business resilient into 2023 by ensuring you know about the most advanced and up-to-the-minute best practices in fighting ransomware.

What You'll Learn:

  • Hear about the latest techniques bad actors use to spread ransomware
  • Find out about the most effective technologies and tactics for backup and recovery
  • Learn about best practices for stopping ransomware attacks before they can start
  • Get answers to all your questions from expert presenters
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