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37:34 Webinare

How to Achieve Cloud Efficiency with Fusion

Need a better way to manage your storage as array count grows? Want to bring cloud storage architecture concepts on-premises?
This webinar first aired on 14. Juni 2023
  • Evergreen//One
  • Pure Fusion
  • Pure//Accelerate

This session will explore the benefits and savings that Pure Fusion brings, such as cloud operating model agility and flexibility (Pure Fusion + Evergreen together), automation, simplicity, and energy savings. Last but not least, we’ll interweave customer examples with total cost of ownership application.

Evergreen One

Risiken senken mit Evergreen//One™

Ausfälle sind keine Option. Verlassen Sie sich auf Pure, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie immer in der Lage sind, Kapazitätsanforderungen zu erfüllen.

Mehr über Evergreen//One erfahren
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