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26:06 Webinare

Supercharge your Microsoft workload on premise and in the cloud with Pure Storage

If you are staying on-premises or going to and from the cloud, this session will cover the architectures to accelerate your Microsoft apps with Pure Storage.
This webinar first aired on 13. April 2022
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  • Lösungen von Microsoft SQL und Exchange
  • Microsoft-Lösungen
  • FlashArray//C
  • FlashArray//X

Melody Zacharias

Sr. Microsoft Solutions Manager, Pure Storage

Where to deploy applications today is not a one size fits all decision. Each solution is unique to each solution to ensure the best results. That is why the Pure architectures are designed to support on-premises and cloud services that require resilient, and consistent performance to meet the needs of today’s mission critical Microsoft workloads. If you are staying on-premises or going to and from the cloud, this session will cover the architectures to accelerate your Microsoft apps with Pure Storage.

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