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Portworx by Pure Storage Helps TeleMessage to Enhance its Secure, Compliant Solutions for Communications Amid Today’s Hybrid Work Environment

Mountain View, Calif. – 2022/01/13 — Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG), the IT pioneer that delivers storage as-a-service in a multi-cloud world, today announced that TeleMessage, a provider of state-of-the-art messaging solutions, is leveraging Portworx Enterprise, an end-to-end storage and data management solution for Kubernetes initiatives, to scale its archiving services and enhance its secure and compliant data storage to global customers.

There has been an explosion of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) amid today’s hybrid business environment. Employees everywhere are increasingly using their own devices and messaging apps like WhatsApp and WeChat to communicate at work and with customers, introducing countless security risks to their organizations. TeleMessage’s archiving services, however, help businesses embrace the rise of BYOD while securing critical data and keeping pace with the latest data protection regulations.

To create a more flexible, agile, developer-friendly environment to support the enhancement and scalability of its services for new enterprise customers, TeleMessage migrated its business to a Kubernetes-based infrastructure. As a result, the company chose to move some of its existing data storage to Portworx’s cloud-native Kubernetes storage, which integrates seamlessly with HashiCorp’s Vault for data encryption and requires no downtime and minimal overhead. While Portworx supported the need for an enterprise-grade persistent storage offering for Kubernetes, HashiCorp enabled easy and reliable encryption services.

TeleMessage can now deliver state-of-the-art encrypted communication archiving for its customers, supported by new levels of redundancy from Portworx. With Kafka as its queuing engine and Portworx for Kafka storage, if a microservice or Docker image experiences a failure, there is no impact on TeleMessage’s services. Portworx also enables TeleMessage to meet specific security and compliance needs for different customers, from GDPR, HIPAA and PCI DSS data loss prevention to industry-specific regulations such as FINRA, CFTC, SEC, MiFID in the financial sector.

Together with Portworx’s Kubernetes storage, HashiCorp Vault’s key manager and implementation support from Terasky, TeleMessage built a secure and persistent encryption process, assuring messages are secure in transit and at rest. Transition was done in just three months, enabling agile storage performance, data security, and regulatory compliance while putting minimal strain on its development team.

“We took a leap in running Portworx’s cloud-native storage on our on-prem environment, and the payoff has been greater than expected. We have reduced our risk of downtime and failure, and we have redundancy in place on the off chance something goes wrong. Utilizing this new framework, our enterprise customers can operate with the peace of mind that every message an employee sends is secured in transit and at rest, and stored in a compliant way.”

Operations Manager, TeleMessage
Yossi Shteingart

To read the full case study and learn more, visit:


ピュア・ストレージの(NYSE:PSTG)は、データ・ストレージをいつまでもシンプルにします。ピュア・ストレージが提供するクラウド・エクスペリエンスは、あらゆる組織におけるデータの可能性の最大化および、インフラ基盤の複雑さの解消、管理コストの低減を可能にします。真の「サービスとしてのストレージ(Storage as-a-Service)」を提供するというピュア・ストレージの取り組みにより、お客さまは、従来型ワークロード、モダン・アプリケーション、コンテナなど、さまざまなデータニーズの変化に迅速かつ大規模に対応できます。ピュア・ストレージは、お客さまにおける炭素排出量およびエネルギー消費量の削減を可能にする製品やソリューションの設計をはじめとする環境保全活動を通じて、世界中のデータセンターにおける炭素排出量削減に大きく貢献しています。ピュア・ストレージは、NPS 顧客満足度調査において B2B 企業の上位 1% に入る高評価を受けています。ピュア・ストレージについて詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。

Pure Storage、「P」ロゴは、米国およびその他の国における Pure Storage, Inc. の商標または登録商標です。また、 に掲載されているピュア・ストレージの商標リストにあるマークは、Pure Storage, Inc. の登録商標です。このプレスリリースの全ての商標または名称は、それぞれの権利者に帰属します。

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Kaylin Deutscher
Pure Storage

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