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Failure Is Not an Option! When Systems Simply Cannot Fail

Join Oracle ACE Directors Ron Ekins and Jim Czuprynski as they talk with Eric Valentine, Manager of Platform Services and Cliff Tam, Senior Analyst at Southwest Gas Corporation about how they reinvigorated antiquated systems to improve their resilience and limit their attack surface against ransomware by implementing Pure Storage as their underlying storage platform for their enterprise computing environment.
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Jim Czuprynski

Independent Consultant, Zero Defect Computing

Ron Ekins

Principal Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

Think your Oracle databases and related applications are crucial? Try it when your systems absolutely cannot go down, or face 2M+ customers who might freeze to death … and that’s before the regulators show up to ask exactly why the outage happened and present you with a bill for violating crucial uptime requirements. 

Join Oracle ACE Directors Ron Ekins and Jim Czuprynski as they talk with Eric Valentine, Manager of Platform Services and Cliff Tam, Senior Analyst at Southwest Gas Corporation about how they reinvigorated antiquated systems to improve their resilience and limit their attack surface against ransomware by implementing Pure Storage as their underlying storage platform for their enterprise computing environment.

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