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How Pure Delivers 80% Energy Savings

Pure’s unique approach to storage delivers unparalleled savings in energy costs and environmental impact -- up to 80% lower than competing all-flash storage -- lowering costs and helping organizations meet sustainability goals. In this Tech Talk, we’ll dive into the tech behind these massive savings.
本 Web セミナーが配信された日 2022/12/15
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  • マルチクラウド
  • ランサムウェア
  • SAPソリューション
  • Pure1
  • Tech Talks
  • FlashBlade
  • 分析のモダナイズ
  • 次世代のアプリケーション
  • FlashArray//X

Kevin Rickson

Director of Portfolio Marketing, Pure Storage

Don Kirouac

Technical Lead, Product Sustainability, Office of the CTO, Pure Storage

Pure’s unique approach to storage delivers unparalleled savings in energy costs and environmental impact -- up to 80% lower than competing all-flash storage -- lowering costs and helping organizations meet sustainability goals. In this Tech Talk, we’ll dive into the tech behind these massive savings.

During this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How Pure’s DirectFlash™ technology delivers better performance and higher density compared to legacy SSD-based architectures
  • Why our always-on data reduction capabilities are about 2x more effective than the competition, without performance impact
  • How our Evergreen architecture helps your storage last longer and extend these benefits virtually forever


We look forward to this exciting webinar!

Be one of the first 200 to register and attend the entire webinar, we will send you a $10 gift card for lunch of your choice. See Terms & Conditions.

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