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Ford Motor Company Increases Developer Velocity with Portworx

When Ford wanted to increase developer productivity and simplify storage management for cloud-native applications, Portworx by Pure Storage won hands down.


One of the world's leading vehicle manufacturers, Ford Motor Company accelerates innovation using software-driven business models. Ford underpins its stateful data running on Kubernetes with high-performance storage, data protection, and disaster recovery. Using Portworx by Pure Storage as the cornerstone of its application development stack, Ford consistently simplifies persistent storage for cloud-native applications, reducing the cognitive load on developers so they can innovate faster.


  • Automotive


  • Global

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Enable Multi-Cloud


Ford Motor Company Increases Developer Velocity with Portworx
Portworx by Pure Storage helps Ford drive developer productivity and simplify cloud-native storage management.


Ford needs to ensure the business continuity of its stateful cloud native applications, making persistent storage management critical in its Kubernetes environment. The company looks for every opportunity to accelerate developer velocity to meet the demand for faster innovation. Ford identified the storage burden on developers as an impediment to productivity and was determined to reduce it while maintaining strict quality and cost control.


Business Transformation

  • Drives sustained innovation with an improved developer experience
  • Meets customer expectations with a highly productive development team
  • Accelerates time to value while protecting Ford ‘s reputation for quality

IT Transformation

  • Modernizes application stack used by employees
  • Supports business continuity with persistent storage in the Kubernetes environment
  • Enables developers to focus on adding value on top of the basic building blocks of Kubernetes by reducing the cognitive load associated with storage


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