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Pure Storage + Microsoft
  • Technology Alliance Partner
  • Cloud
  • Enterprise Applications
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • グローバル


Unlock Savings and Unblock Database Workloads for Azure VMware Solution

Pure Cloud Block Store™ unlocks the full potential of Azure VMware Solutions (AVS) by providing external block storage with enterprise-grade data services.

“Performance is up by an order of magnitude, and our Pure Storage array decreased storage costs significantly. We can now answer any need that comes up in the next three to four years.”

Head of Data, Dr Foster
George Bayliffe

“Any network or server outage can be resolved with no lasting impact, but storage is critical. When it fails, you are likely left with a lasting impact.”

Manager of IT Infrastructure and Support Services, Metito
Prashant Menon


Solution Brief
Pure Storage for Microsoft Environments

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