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Pure Storage and Denso

DENSO IT Solutions Turns to Pure Storage for an Efficient and Greener Infrastructure.

DENSO IT Solutions is now able to provide a non-disruptive user experience with its private cloud infrastructure that supports the entire DENSO group.


DENSO IT SOLUTIONS, INC. (DNITS), an IT solution provider, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DENSO Corporation which is a leading global manufacturer of automotive parts. DNITS provides IT infrastructures including a private cloud environment called ALADIN (Attractive Landmark for All DENSO Infrastructure) for DENSO Corporation and its subsidiaries (DENSO). ALADIN helps DENSO improve the speed of their business and reduce cost as a secure, low-cost infrastructure. It also contributes to Green, a sustainability initiative as part of DENSO’s long-term commitment to 2030.


  • Technology


  • Japan

Use Cases

  • VMware® Private Cloud



  • Achieve high availability and resiliency for non-disruptive operations.
  • Eliminate forklift upgrades.
  • Avoid data migration.
  • Save power consumption and space requirements.


Business Transformation

DENSO IT Solutions is now able to provide a non-disruptive user experience with its private cloud infrastructure that supports the entire DENSO group while improving performance and operational efficiency. This transition meets their sustainability initiative by reducing space and power consumption.

IT Transformation

  • Switching to FlashArray™ all-flash storage enabled the company to meet sustainability standards on power and space.
  • DNITS is prepared for future expansion and innovation by reducing the risk of forklift upgrades with the Pure Evergreen™ Storage solution.

Ressourcen Im Fokus


SmartDigital liefert bahnbrechende Innovationen mit schnellem Storage


OPO Oeschger rüstet sich für die Zukunft im Einzelhandel


Immer frische Lebensmittel dank Evergreen


Tradition setzt auf Zukunft mit All-Flash-Arrays


Daten, dank Flash-Storage pünktlich wie die Maurer

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