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40:19 Webセミナー

Manage Modern Data Pipelines with Containerized Applications

Learn what modern data pipelines look like with a shift to disaggregated storage and the use of containers that expand compute agility and improve system utilization.
This webinar first aired on 2023/06/14
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  • Pure//Accelerate
  • データ分析

Enterprises rely on modern analytics platforms to optimize decision making processes, provide observability, protect intellectual property, and drive sales and customer engagements. As such, mature data and analytics strategies are key to building competitive advantage. In this session, learn what modern data pipelines look like with a shift to disaggregated storage and the use of containers that expand compute agility and improve system utilization. We will address scale challenges with Splunk and Apache Kafka by using Kubernetes and enhancing storage agility with Portworx® solutions. Lastly, we will share the benefits of containerizing applications to drive performance and simpler software management.

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