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Toyota Financial Services Goes the Extra Mile with FlashArray

Motor vehicle manufacturer-owned finance company turns to Pure Storage to deploy faster, easier-to-use infrastructure to better prepare them for the future.


Toyota Financial Services New Zealand is the largest motor vehicle manufacturer-owned finance company in New Zealand. After years of difficulty with sluggish, legacy storage systems that were complex to manage and expensive to scale, the company now has a reliable, fast, and easy to use storage system, with more time to build out and improve its offerings.


Financial Services


  • New Zealand

Use Cases



Toyota Financial Services places significant emphasis on best practices and the ‘Toyota Way’. While much of its value proposition depends on the reliability and quality of its service, the team was struggling with a storage system that could not live up to either ideal.

  • Legacy storage was too complex to manage and difficult to expand.
  • Poor storage performance caused delays in accessing applications and files, impacting business productivity.


Business Transformation

  • Employees have uninterrupted access to applications, while IT spends virtually no time managing storage. The team is also able to integrate business intelligence into its operations and enhance the performance of its critical applications.

IT Transformation

  • Mission-critical applications run faster
  • Time spent replicating systems has shrunk from eight hours to less than one
  • Spinning up services now takes seconds instead of minutes
  • Team has more time to spend on key business intelligence initiatives


導入事例 VVols と FlashArray の導入で VM 運用負荷とデータを大幅削減


東映アニメーション: オールフラッシュ・ストレージで TCO 大幅低減


日本中央競馬会(JRA): ピュア・ストレージで IT 基盤をオールフラッシュ化


三菱 UFJ モルガン・スタンレー 証券:ピュア・ストレージの 導入で、株取引執行システム、 バックアップ/リストアを高速化


毎日新聞社: ピュア・ストレージの導入で 全社用仮想化基盤の性能を改善


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