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CTOS Significantly Improves its Response Time and Expands its Business with Pure Storage

Business Transformation

  • Faster data processing enables CTOS to generate more data sets, and allows for a quicker response time. Pure Storage’s all-flash array technology keeps CTOS ahead of the curve with a reliable solution that allows for greater data demands in the market. Moving direct to flash from rack-based storage has saved ample time without the hassle of migration and upgrades. Data retrieval time has also been significantly reduced since deploying Pure Storage.

IT Transformation

  • Data extraction time halved from 5 days to 2-3 days.
  • Removed need for yearly storage migration and upgrades.
  • Reduced need to create high load, down to 2 instances of high load since deploying Pure Storage, compared to 4 with previous technology
“The seamless deployment processes of Pure Storage products and top-notch service are the reason we have chosen Pure Storage for our data storage needs. Knowing that we can trust Pure Storage as a reliable and safe platform, we can look forward to realising the new, innovative ideas that are present in our roadmap. Indeed, this is the product of the future.”
Benjamin Lau, General Manager of IT, CTOS
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Pure Storage, Inc.

2555 Augustine Dr.

Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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